\m/ Jacko and pals \m/

Welcome all to the wonderful site of mahself (jackoriah)and mah buddy (nathan).

Wot up all.Welcome to my web site jacko and pals.20m.com.I be the infamous jacko.Cheak out what me and my m8ts kezbo and nathan ( www.kezbowwes.20m.com )get up 2.Also you shouldnt have a look at the slide show. SO, to give a rough example of what the sites about, id say its all about being young and being able o do what u want. like have ur own site for example.I have a kindda wide range of things i like so i thought having a site to share what i like with everyone and see what they think.so stick around and have a browes and you can email me wot u think at blinklover_11@hotmail.com .Latery'all


What i have done l8tly, probably not much

Well chums. I havent updated this site in a while (6 monthes actually). So, rather than picking up where i left off, i think i'll just start from whats going on right now.

Well, let me start off by telling everyone that me, kez and nathan, are going to the next Blink concert on the 3rd of december 2004. I cant wait Seen as the last one was so kool. actually, i think i might have a pic from it. well it'll probably be somewhere around the site. im afraid you wont be able to see that good coz the camera i had wasnt very good, but never the less. SO, speaking of bacon,The npwa's ringmasters 2 show was at earl's club in ince on friday the 29th of October. The Matches were really kool and even me, nmathan and kez were in some. Me , Nathan and Kez was in a 10-man battelroyal with 4 adults in there too. We all did pretty well and we all knocked each other out at the same time. Then I was against the hardcore champion, Jason GlorY and thanx to some help from Slayer i succedded in becoming the new hardcore champion. Pretty good eh? Well not really consisdering im a bad guy but never-the-less....Anywho. The night rocked and im sure the next 1 in december will rawk 2. Lastly, tickets have been ordered and arrived for the Greenday concert in january next year. I cant wait. Mahbeh this could be the almight concert Rawking off the new year.

This is me. I'd just got back from a blink concert on the 10th feb 2004.^^^^^^^

Me and Nathan have been skating for about a year and a half. Kez has been skating ,well with us any way,for a while.We are all prity much progressing at the same rate.me and nathan have just learnt varial kickflips and Kezbo aka  kerian Has learnt to ollie and drop in, so hes not really far behind.non of us are sponsord but thats just how i like it. i skate for fun, nothing more. So , just letting u know how we roll.  We dont skate that often anymore but id like to . im sure the others would aswell.Mahbeh we'll go to the sk8 park 2moz


Shout outs to my homies

jbotpoopgtp oh, sorry my hand spazed out AGAIN. ANYWAY, THIS week i'd like to give shout outs to Amy again, Kirsty, Zoe , Bethan, Jade, Nathan, Kez, Dean, Jason, Dan, Grant, Rach(not rach "rach")Lauren( fancies Nathan and i know u do stalker *ahem*) and Hannah(sorry again btw)

Email me if u like da site

This is Eddie Belvidere.He works at our local skatepark

Eddie used to skate with my m8ts at walkden half pipe. he is sponsord by karma

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