About Me Page


Ok i'll tell you a bit about us all. Well im 14 years old ,Single i think?... ohhhh no i forgot,this is the second time i've forgot to ring her..........im back, now where was i? oh yeah, deffinatelly single now. i like skating and blink182.

Nathan is also 14,likes to eat pies as well as me, hasnt got a girlfriend(so line up ladies),skateboarding,music, dragonball z and dirty sanchez.He also likes to do 180 and 360 bonlesses and this funky hand flip,foot plant thing.

JKezbo has he's own web site called www.kezbowwes.20m.com . he'd tell you what he likes there.

The Story Behind My Site

Well you are probably wondering why i decided to make such a site.And all i have to say is i was bored. NAHH im just joking kezbo had used 20m.com to make his web site so i felt left out. I got my compueter for christmas and wanted a web site to tell people wot i and nathan get up to.Im glad its working out well.


AH yes Skateboarding. the only love in my life.Me and Nathan are totally dedicated to skateboarding. its something we love to do. I will always have respect for someone with a skateboard who uses it properly.god bless skateboarding

Email me on blinklover_11@hotmail.com
my addy

links to the sites i like
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