Lucy's page

I luv lucy!!!!!

This page is all about the wonderful, lovely LUCY!!!!!!!!!.Lucy is almost 13 (1st Jan) and is the coolest girl ever. We are really really close and have known each other for about 4 months and shes been so cool and fun to talk to. We met through kez after they knew each other 4 about a month. The great thing about me and Lucy is we can have these random nights where were really hyper and there just the best. We can have the best convo's and we never argue. so all in all i love Lucy to bits .

Love ya Lucy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ps. IRANU ..... OVARRVOOO.......badabadashwing !!!!!!!!!


Random pic of Luceh...

This is a pic of Lucy's head when she had pink hair, lol. i dont really have a cle why i put this up coz there are loads of better pics where u can see her pretteh face. =D

Lucy's parteh
Soon (feb) Lucy is having a party for her b-day (even tho its in Jan) and myself and Kez have been invited. I really cant wait and i dont think Kez can either. When were there we get to meet some of our bestest friends on the net like Anna and Nikki and of course the wonderful Lucy =D. It'll be soo cool. Afterwards, me and Kez are staying at Lucy's for the night. Then the day after we'll have to go home : ( . But we'll be leaving with the best memories of our time there and it wont be the last time we go down to visit.

Random Hyper nights

On mine and Lucy's random hyper nights we have the best times on the net. Lucy makes creats her own little shows on the webcam where she does backflips with spoons hanging from her nose. lol, jk. But we do have the best times. Unfortunatly i dont have a webcam at the moment but soon ill get 1 and it ll be soo kool making each other laugh. lol. I hope i can compete with the spoon thing. :s


This is my favorite pic of Luceh...

Isnt she purdy? Lol. I love ya Lucy. Cant wait ill ur party. love jack xxxx