Photo Page

Have a look at these pics

Here is a few pictures of me and friends and things i like. Most of the dudes will probably be in our band, Non The WIzer. The other ppl would either be really kool buddies/internet buddies or ppl from bands.

This is mehh!!!!(jack, drummer 4 ntw)

Kezbo, 1 of my bestest buddies, hes a great guy and can sumtimed make you laugh until you cry.

Nathan >>>>^^^ i have known longer than anybody else, he is a kool guy, much like kez.

This is Bud aka Budderick. Hes so random and funny and is the rhythem guitarest in NTW

This is Scott, NTW kickass lead guitarest. Hes verry funny at times and does vocals in his own band Wrongly Accused

This Kaya, shes really cool and loooves Kez. dont talk to her that much tho. shame

This b Lucy. Shes really funny. I once said she looked like a mini Britini spears :s. wtf was i on..? rock on Lucy m/

This be the very funny anna. Shes totally random at times even tho she gave up on the contest we had, ne who, keep on rocking anna \m/

This is mah good internet buddy, Calimoo. On this pic hes with Dlo brown and some other randomer. \m/

This is Jessie. She was 1 of my first contacts on msn actually. Rock on jessie \m/

This is Nix, lol shes funny but we dont talk much. shes a good friends with Lucy and anna too.

This is the lovely Kirsty. This isnt a very good pic of her coz she alil in the dark :(. anyways go kirsty m/ =D
casper slide

This is me a while back. How retarded do i look?
crooked to varial flip

This is me and Nathan at a blink 182 concert


suit you sir?

There are loads more friend that deserve a mentioning but unfortunatelyi dont have a pic of them soo... Kirsty, Zoe,Jade,Bethan, rach, Dean, Grant, Jason, Dan, Alicks, Joe, Hackett, Lewis,Mairi,Amanda, Britini, Dan Nichola all mah internet buddies and if theres anyone i missed out im sorry. It means u were not thought of at the time i wrote this.